
Archive for the ‘Coaching for Extraordinary Living’ Category

6 Steps to Accelerated Learning

December 3, 2015 Leave a comment

THE SECRET: When you “learn” something, what you are really doing is remembering something you already know.

Whatever you believe about learning, the following concepts are worth knowing. . .

Accelerated learning concept #1: There are three levels of existence, physical, quantum, spiritual.

Accelerated learning concept #2: Everything in the physical is a manifestation of energy and information from the quantum. Energy vibrates at different frequencies and we perceive these frequencies as our physical world.

Accelerated learning concept #3: All of us are exchanging energy on a continual basis.

Accelerated learning concept #4: Deepak Chopra states this next concept well. . .
“There is really no boundary between ourselves and everything else in the world. The continuity of the physical world exists only in the imagination. If we could fine tune our senses, we could actually see the gaps in our existence. We are here and then not here, and then here again. The sense of continuity is only held together by our memories.”

Accelerated learning concept #5: The spiritual level of existence is what holds everything together. It is pure potential.

Accelerated learning concept #6: And here is the biggy for our purposes: Again quoting from Deepak. . .
 “Our thoughts are recycled information. Every thought we have is actually part of a collective database. All but the most original thoughts are recycled information, and even the most original thoughts are actually quantum leaps of creativity that occur from the same recycled bed of information. Intention, imagination, insight, inspiration, meaning, purpose, creativity, and understanding have nothing to do with the brain. They orchestrate their activity through the brain, but they are qualities of the non-local domain, which is beyond space and time.”

These concepts are the foundation for a way of learning (remembering). They allow you to acquire any skill you want and learn it faster than you ever thought possible.

You discover your mind. You learn how your mind operates and how to access and control it. Accelerated learning is fun and informative. You find out things about yourself and your mind that you never knew before.
You can radically change your life in less time than you ever imagined.

(Thank you Paradigm Shift)


Remembering You’re Extraordinary!

September 7, 2015 Leave a comment

About two years ago, my sister Nancy and I had an idea. We decided to collaborate on putting down on paper our thoughts and experiences, especially as they related to living well. What started out innocently enough grew into a wonderful, memorable undertaking by two people who have cared the world about each other for over 60 years.

As we progressed, we realized two things:

First, we found that the co-creation and chronicling of these ideas was a remarkable experience in and of itself and, we discovered that there were direct benefits occurring in our lives that could only be ascribed to the materials we were creating.

Second, we noticed that sharing this work had direct beneficial impact on those others who came in contact with these materials.

As a result, we decided to combine the materials into a book form and make it available to everyone.

Eventually, this material will be contained in an eBook available from Amazon, Google, and Apple. But for now, we have decided to pre-publish our creation in The Miller Minute blog.

Because we are aware that everyone does not get a chance to see every post from this blog, we will post each section (beginning with this section) three times each week.

The first section is this pre-Introduction, an annotated Table of Contents, the original Introduction, and a brief author’s preface entitled, How to use this book.

Subsequent weekly posts will include the various chapters (one chapter per week) and other useful information.

It is our sincerest desire that you find this material illuminating, enlightening, and useful.

Please be kind enough to let us know what you think,

Robert & Nancy

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Remembering You’re Extraordinary

Table of ContentsTable of Contents


How to Use This Book

Part One: The Backstory

Chapter One: Courage is the Opposite of Fear

F.E.A.R. is False Evidence Appearing Real!

Chapter Two: Forgiveness

For everything I have done and everything I have not done. For everything I am and everything I am not. For everything I will do and everything I won’t do, I forgive myself. . .

Chapter Three: Complete Respect & Compassion for Myself & Others

Enough said.

Chapter Four: Practicing the Art of Accountability

Accountability means I am willing to acknowledge that I am the author of my life and experience.

In the matter of my life, I am at cause.

Chapter Five: I am not my Story, nor am I am my Stuff

To remember at all times that I am a magical, mystical being currently inhabiting a human body

And as a human, like all other humans, I have a story BUT, I AM NOT THAT STORY

Chapter Six: I am a Master of my Resources, I am in Balance

Life is about change. Going forward, and as I meet changes I will address and move past any and all changes with minimum effort and maximal use of my existing or readily acquired resources.

Chapter Seven: Optimal Wellbeing

I promise to make it a daily habit to take whatever steps necessary to maintain optimal wellbeing: Spiritually, Financially, Physically, Emotionally, Psychologically, In short, every which “ally”!

Part Two: The Rest of The Story

Chapter Eight: Manifesting, The Pathway to Your Dreams

Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When sorcerers (those who live in tune with Source) beckon intent, Intent, their ally, comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.

Carlos Castaneda

We are all Sorcerers!

Chapter Nine: Grace, Gratitude and Generosity

Madisyn Taylor writes, When we accept that we always exist in a state of grace, we are able to live our lives more graciously. Knowing we are graced gives us hope, makes us more generous, and allows us to trust that we are taken care of even when we are going through difficult times. Grace is our benevolence of heart, and our generosity of spirit. Grace is unconditional love and the beauty that is our humanity. When we know that we are blessed with grace, we can’t help but want to live our lives in harmony.

Chapter Ten: Humility

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.

C. S. Lewis

Chapter Eleven: Integrity and Authenticity

To always be and give my best, genuinely; and to live by Curly’s (movie: City Slickers) “One Thing” ethic every moment.

Chapter Twelve: Service

Serve others First!

I choose to remember and carry with me that by serving others, I am served.

Chapter Thirteen: This Moment is All There Is

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is an unrealized dream; only this moment, Now, is real!

Or as Baba Ram Das reminds us: “Be Here Now”!

Chapter Fourteen: Laugh Often, Love Much

Find the humor in each moment; be completely open to the love that is mine everywhere, from everyone; be willing to give back to everyone, everywhere.

Chapter Fifteen: Life is a Grand and Wonderful Adventure!

In the movie Tombstone, as the character Doc Holiday (played by Val Kilmer) lies dying of tuberculosis in the Colorado Sanatorium where Wyatt Earp (played by Kurt Russell) had taken his friend; there is a defining, over-arching moment when Wyatt says to Doc, “I just want a normal life”, and Doc replies profoundly, “Wyatt, there is no normal life, there’s just life”!

Appendix A: How to Meditate

About the Authors

End Text


When we were very young, my brother Robert and I, collaborated together on many topics, and I think some of my best memories include such times as sneaking into our second floor bathroom with our arms laden with as much food as we could carry from the grown-up parties our parents were hosting.

About those parties. . .

My parents welcomed many friends into their home and wined and dined them like royalty.  We always knew we could count on the tastiest morsels especially around these parties.  I’m more than certain, too, that our parents knew we were awake and sneaking food upstairs but let us think we were the cleverest spies in the world!  It was these special evenings I had alone with my brother that we talked about everything in the world.  We were not afraid to pour our hearts out and we were not afraid to just be “who we are”.

Robert and I have always held that special bond, this wonderful love of each other that we share.  Both he and I have lived long, fruitful lives filled with much happiness and sorrow. (You can read our BIOS for more on this).  So, it was no surprise that one day, many months ago, that he called to tell me of an idea he had.  He told me he had been writing and that he had created “core principles” that would become the cornerstone for Remembering You’re Extraordinary.  Shortly thereafter, he asked me if I would be interested in co-authoring.

There was no hesitation on my part and I felt honored to be asked to be a collaborator, once again, on such an inspiring topic that we both believe will help you remember we are all Extraordinary!  Thus began our work together on writing this course.  Since we live far apart, we got together via Skype and phone.  Every week we sat together and poured our hearts and souls into this work. We would break away only long enough to finish our assignments to each other getting back together to review and summarize.

We’ve been living these “core principles” through the years always striving to “walk the walk” instead of just getting by with “talking the talk”. As the weeks went on, we found ourselves going through this course together, discovering that we had more to learn and uncover!

As we continued to write about each principle and place each principle in its appropriate chapter, we found ourselves living out the lesson incorporated in them. Our lives became a great experiment in living each principle daily as if we were newborns never hearing the words before! Our meetings have run the gamut of emotions; sometimes filled with laughter, sadness, joy, grief, and any other emotion that presented itself as we were writing.

Often this took us both by surprise and we realized that we had to let ourselves experience all of this in order to really live what we were talking about. As a matter of fact, I have the perfect, true to life experience, that just happened to me as I was writing this introduction that I will share with you in a bit.

The universe is shifting and all of us with it. This isn’t the first time in history – though it might be the most important – that people have taken stock of their lives and decided that there are more important aspirations besides acquiring the biggest flat screen TV or the latest in a series of new suvs.

We all want to know how to be happy and satisfied and make both last. We all want to look to a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. Most importantly, many of us want to be free of the chains that bind our spirits and haunt our sleep.

As partners in this unfolding, we are co-collaborators fully engaged in this shift and support a crucial transformation of our current universe and support each and every person in this endeavor.

It is our sincerest intent that Remembering You’re Extraordinary will support you in this transformation wherever you are in the dance.

Each chapter contains extremely useful tools to help you remember where you truly come from, who you truly are, and most importantly, that you are already extraordinary!

We are not alone.  Many masters throughout the ages have taught us through their never ending love and inspiration.  We include some of these present day masters in our writing and use quotes from their teaching and inspiration.  Having lived through this course and knowing we will continue to use its practices, it is our deepest desire that these pages will help you live yours.

The universe has always supported us and now is the time to pay it forward. We can help do this by starting with ourselves.  We trust our work and are so very happy that what we share here will get you on the path to remembering how extraordinary you are. There is much to be done but with time and effort we can do this together.

We’ve included a short preface entitled “How To Use This Book” we hope you will find helpful.  Certainly, you can read these pages any which way you choose, but, you might find it more useful to follow the chapters in order.  This is a great volume to reference any time.

We welcome your comments so please feel free to leave any and all on our Coaching for Extraordinary Living website or our Facebook page.  Let us share a word of caution: This book does not address profound grief from the loss of a loved one, nor overindulgence in any form, nor does it pretend to meet the needs of the trauma brought on by a critical life changing event.  We would urge you to seek the appropriate help needed in these circumstances.

Okay, I promised to share my true to life experience. . .

I have a very dear friend who I’ve been very privileged to know for over forty years now.  My friend and I have shared everything together and going to visit is “going home for me”.  So it was with great anticipation and joy that I called my friend and asked for a visit home.  I was sent an email that said it would be a horror if I came to visit.  I let myself take this “personally” and in doing so made myself physically ill.  It wasn’t until I got out of my ego and really looked at the situation for what it was that I realized I was allowing this email to erode my wellbeing. In re-reading the following chapters I began to see what I was doing to myself and why!  Boy, did I learn a lesson. The lesson:  To honor who I am first and foremost and not take anything personally.

Boundary is my new best friend and I will take this lesson with a giant spoonful of love.  And, by the way, I truly love my friend and cannot wait for our next visit!

Last, but not least, we want to thank all of you for taking the time to read what we have worked on as our labor of love.


Blessings to each and every one of you!

Introduction, Preface (Japanese)

(At the end of each section of our book we have included pictograph from various cultures expressing the meaning of that section. The characters above are Japanese and convey the meaning, “To Begin”, or “At the Beginning”.)

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PrefaceHOW TO USE THIS BOOK (Author’s Preface)

Remembering You’re Extraordinary, is a user friendly eBook comprised of two volumes containing a total of fifteen individual chapters each including a core principle intended to help you remember who you are, how got you where you are now, and options about how to move forward.

Each chapter is divided into five main sections:

(1) Guiding Principle

(2) Keystone Elements

(3) Lesson Activity(s)

Meant to gather your thoughts and help you answer questions you probably ask yourself often. We believe you will find these to be inquisitive and enlightening.  There is NO right or wrong answer.  It is merely an aid to help you realize how you really feel.

(4) Additional Resources

A section of each chapter including books, movies, and songs that will enhance your experience of each chapter as you go along.  By all means, feel free to choose your own resources as you go.

(5) Closing (Daily) Affirmation

Although there is really no particular order to the themes presented in the book, we’ve written each core principle and put them in the order of importance as they came.

Please read and experience each chapter at your own pace taking as little or as much time as you feel necessary. This book is also meant to be a reference guidebook that you can refer to as often as you’d like.

End Text

(Next Week: Chapter One: Courage is the Opposite of Fear)


Excellence Breeds Success

September 3, 2015 Leave a comment

There is a difference between success and excellence.

Success is often measured by comparison to others. Excellence, on the other hand, is all about being the best we can be and maximizing our gifts, talents and abilities to perform at our highest potential.

We live in a world that loves to focus on success and loves to compare. We are all guilty of doing this. However, I believe that to be our best we must focus more on excellence and less on success. We must focus on being the best we can be and realize that our greatest competition is not someone else but ourselves.

For example, coaching legend John Wooden often wouldn’t tell his players who they were playing each game. He felt that knowing the competition was irrelevant. He believed that if his team played to the best of their ability they would be happy with the outcome. In fact, John Wooden never focused on winning. He had his team focus on teamwork, mastering the fundamentals, daily improvement and the process that excellence requires. As a result he and his teams won A LOT.

A focus on excellence was also the key for golfing legend Jack Nicklaus. His secret was to play the course not the competition. He simply focused on playing the best he could play against the course he was playing. While others were competing against Jack, he was competing against the course and himself.

The same can be said for Apple’s approach with the iPod, iPhone and iPad. When they created these products they didn’t focus on the competition. Instead they focused on creating the best product they could create. As a result, rather than measuring themselves against others they have become the measuring stick.

We have a choice as individuals, organizations and teams. We can focus on success and spend our life looking around to see how our competition is doing, or we can look straight ahead towards the vision of greatness we have for ourselves and our teams. We can look at competition as the standard or as an indicator of our progress towards our own standards. We can chase success or we can embark on a quest for excellence and focus 100% of our energy to become our best… and let success find us.

Ironically, when our goal is excellence the outcome and byproduct is often success.

(Thanks to Jon Gordon)

The 3 Signs Telling You Your Purpose in Life

June 26, 2015 Leave a comment

In his latest book, The Art of Work, bestselling author and blogger, Jeff Goins offers some unconventional advice to help you abandon the status quo and kick start a life work that’s packed with passion and purpose. In an interview with Goins, he shared three actionable tactics that anyone can use to identify their calling.

1. Listen to your life.

According to Goins, the best place to begin charting your future is by taking a look at your past.

“One of my favorite quotes is from Parker Palmer when he says, ‘Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I need to listen to my life to tell me who I am,” said Goins.

The elevator speech for this tactic is being more self aware about what you’ve accomplished or not accomplished in the past. The intent is to look for a unifying thread or pattern that’s consistent throughout your past experience that’s also consistent with your passion and skills.

That unifying pattern or thread should energize you once you recognize it. Goins says this retrospection will also identify those activities in the past that you should avoid as you move forward because they drained you or amplified weaknesses.

“I don’t believe your past necessarily dictates your future but it should inform it,” said Goins.

2. Accidental apprenticeships.

The reality is that nobody achieves success or realizes their life purpose by themselves. It’s a process that requires and demands a team of mentors providing guidance.

According to Goins, that kind of help is all around us — we just don’t always see it.

“Every story of success is a story of community. Some people will help you willingly, while others may contribute to your education on accident. If you are wise, you can use it all,” said Goins. “Even though each of us has a unique journey, it’s full of teachers who can help along the way. Your job is not to seek them out necessarily, but to recognize them when they appear, because oftentimes they’re closer than you think.”

3. Prep for painful practice.

There’s a myth that once you know what it is that you’re supposed to pursue, achieving that purpose will be easy because it plays to your strengths and passion. That’s not the case.

“The paradox is it’s difficult to achieve the level excellence that your calling should merit, but that struggle for mastery is also invigorating and fulfilling. It’s tough and not everybody realizes that until they’re in it,” said Goins.

Just as with professional athletes, musicians or artisans, expect to intentionally hone your craft to the point of exhaustion. Otherwise, mastery will elude you.

“Grinding it out is not fun. Painful practice is not fun, but it’s necessary to both clarify your purpose and achieve it,” said Goins.

The key is finding where your abilities and personal drive intersect the needs of others. According to Goins you can find that juncture by answering the following three questions:

  1. What do I love?
  2. What am I good at?
  3. What does the world need?

Once that sweet spot is identified you won’t have a job or even a career. You’ll have a life purpose.

(Thanks to Tor Constantino)

What Jon Says. . .

March 31, 2015 Leave a comment

Who knew that two simple words could change one’s mindset, perspective and approach to work and life? Just two words have the potential to enhance joy, productivity, performance and change a complaining voice to an appreciative heart.

So often we say things like, “I have to take the kids to practice.” “I have to go to this meeting.” “I have to finish this project.” “I have to go to work today.” “I have to take care of this customer.” “I have to share this new information with my team.” “I have to see my family this weekend.”

We act as if we don’t have a choice. As if we are imprisoned by a paycheck and the expectations of a world that forces us to do thing we don’t want to do.

But in reality we do have a choice. We can choose our attitude and our actions. We can choose how we view our life and work. We can realize that every day is a gift. It’s not about what we have to do. It’s about what we get to do.

We get to live this life while so many like my Mom, who passed away at 59, left this world far too early. We get to drive in traffic while so many are too sick to drive a car. We get to go to a job while so many are unemployed. We get to raise our children even if they drive us nuts at times. 🙂

We get to interact with our employees and customers and make a difference in their life. We get to use our gifts and talents to make a product or provide a service. We get to eat three meals a day while millions of people are starving. We get to work on projects, answer phone calls, serve customers, participate in meetings, design, create, share, sell, lead and suit up every day for the game of life.

When I’m mentoring leaders I encourage them to focus on “get to” each day. I encourage them to focus on feeling grateful instead of stressed. The research shows we can’t be stressed and thankful a the same time so when you are feeling thankful and focusing on “get to” you fuel up with the positive emotions that uplift you rather than the stress hormones that slowly drain you. People who do this, report feeling more energized, productive and engaged at work and home.

Sure there will be challenges and life isn’t easy but if we approach each day as an opportunity to learn, grow and be thankful we will live a more meaningful and powerful life.

(Thanks to Jon Gordon)

(Special offer, click on image below)


Are you a Shark or Goldfish?

March 2, 2015 Leave a comment

Jon Gordon - Sharks and GoldfishRecently, there was a British study of 500 “charmed” people. They seemed to have it all; wealth, success, great relationships, etc. The researchers were surprised to discover that every one of these “charmed” people had bad things happen to them. They all experienced challenges and adversity, however, each one of them turned the bad into good and their misfortune into fortune.

The truth is that challenges and change are a part of life. The waves of change are always coming our way. But when the wave hits we have a choice. We can embrace it and ride it to a successful future or resist it and get crushed by the wave.

Embracing our waves of challenge and change is all about how we perceive and respond to the events we face. In The Shark and the Goldfish I share the positive success formula.

E + P = O

We can’t always control the (E) vents in our life but we can control our (P)ositive response to these events and this often determines the (O)utcome.

When the change hits instead of focusing on the challenge we can choose to look for the opportunity. We can ask what this event is teaching us and identify how we can grow stronger and wiser from it. We can live in fear or move forward with faith and take positive action.

We can decide to be a Shark instead of a Goldfish? Goldfish become paralyzed by fear. They stay in their comfort zone and wait for someone to feed them. On the other hand Sharks (nice sharks) move forward with faith and take action. They trust that their best days are ahead of them, not behind them. Instead of waiting to be fed they venture out in the ocean of possibility in search of food. Their beliefs and actions create a self filling prophecy; because they expect to find food and take action to find it, they do.

Shark or a Goldfish? Which will you choose to be?

(Thanks to Jon Gordon.)

10 Inspirational Quotes From Maya Angelou

June 1, 2014 Leave a comment


By Geoff Weiss

The world has bid goodbye to Maya Angelou, 86, whose autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings led her to become one of the most influential voices in contemporary literature.

Throughout her storied career, Angelou also delivered the inaugural poem for Bill Clinton in 1993 (both grew up in rural Arkansas) and counted among her luminous friends and colleagues Dr. Martin Luther King and Oprah Winfrey.

In celebration of Angelou’s groundbreaking achievements in fields as varied as poetry, education and civil rights activism, here’s a look back at some of her most poignant remarks over the years:

1. “I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights.”

 2. “You shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.”

 3. “Nothing will work unless you do.”

4. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

5. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

6. “I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as making a ‘life.’”

7. “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”

8. “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

9. “To grow up is to stop putting blame on parents.”

10. “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”

Emotions, Body Heat, & Emoting

May 24, 2014 Leave a comment

Body Heat & Emoting

Life Coaching: The Road to Joy

May 14, 2014 Leave a comment


(Photo: The News-Press)

by Mary Lynn Ziemer

When was the last time you felt happy and free? The last time you really had “fun?” When was the last time that nagging little voice in your head stopped talking incessantly about all of your daily responsibilities and your “to do” list?

If it’s been awhile, then maybe it’s time to start thinking about it from a different perspective — like you did when you were a child! Because that old and habitual type of thinking takes away far more than it gives. I recommend that, starting today, you give the topic of fun some serious thought and action. Why? Well, of course, because fun is — fun!

It’s really that simple. When you are having fun, you feel good. When you feel good, you are creating more of what you truly desire in your life. Remember, it’s all about how you feel!

How can you get back to those childhood priorities of having fun every day? Here are five simple steps to get you started:

  • Be fully present. It’s where fun always begins.

Children live in the present moment, just going from one fun thing to the next. They don’t think about the past or worry about the future. When a part of you is getting lost in the concerns of your past or anxieties of your future, it’s impossible to be fully present. This “mind chatter” gets in the way of fun.

  • Meditate. Although you may not think of “fun” when you think of meditation, it will eventually get you there. By clearing your mind, you are able to live in the present, and living in the present is the ticket to fun! Meditate once a day to get out of the endless monkey mind of narrating, reviewing and rehearsing the events of your day. Find a quiet place to meditate, or just sit quietly for several minutes listening and observing your thoughts. Time alone in nature or walking is always a helpful way to slow down and bring your mind, body and spirit into alignment.

Meditation will help you become calm so you can recognize and attend more mindfully, gratefully and enjoyably to whatever you are doing. Be in the moment, no matter how small they may seem: driving, eating, chatting with someone, etc. Be “present” in all of it without multitasking.

  • Smile and laugh — a lot. For years we have heard about the link between happiness, laughter and your health. Not to mention, everyone loves being with happy fun people! Scientific studies show that people who smile feel better than those who don’t. It is physically easier, using fewer muscles to smile than to frown.

And, just by the physical act of smiling, you change how you feel. So, just imagine how you would feel if you smiled all the time!

  • Incorporate things you are lovingly passionate about in your day.

Sometimes we forget to make joy a priority. We get caught up in the things we think we should do, or “need” to do, and neglect our need for fun and joy! Create a list of things you love to do. Commit to doing at least one of them for even a short period of time every day. Even if it’s only 15 minutes. When you are doing these activities, be fully present. Be in the moment and have fun with it. Enjoy living your life with joy, and without thoughts of fear or worry. Maybe it’s practicing your golf swing, dancing, singing, doing a puzzle, reading a good book, playing a game, taking a stroll, soaking in a bath, or playing with your pet. Maybe it’s traveling or trying something new and adventurous. It can be small or big. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, have a smile on your face and feel the joy of the moment.

  • Make everything you do fun. If there are things in your life that you don’t like to do, but you know you must, it’s time to rethink them and reframe them. There is always a way to have fun doing what you do, even if it’s not your favorite thing. Start by choosing your state of mind. No matter what activities you are doing, if your state of mind is one of joy and gratitude, you can take control of your day and make it amazing! Empower yourself by knowing that the outcome is always contingent on the choices you make and your own state of mind — not external factors or behaviors of others.

How do you choose your state of mind? Start by expecting your day to be fun! Expect your day and activities to flow easily and effortlessly.

Say to yourself: “I am so grateful that today is the best day of my life!” Repeat this over and over again until you begin to feel it is possible. When it’s time to engage in something that you typically procrastinate over, say this to yourself: “I am so grateful this project goes well. I am clear and focused, and easily complete it successfully.” When you do this, you are always positive and you will have so much more fun.

Remember, fun is at the heart of love. When you are truly having fun, and living in the moment, feelings of love will always prevail. You know this is where you truly want to be. You can be here every moment of your life if you choose — like a child feeling the lightness of life.

— Need help finding more joy and fulfillment in your life? Visit or call Robert Eugene Miller at 770.367.2327. Robert is a certified master life coach, business consultant and motivational speaker with more than 30 years of coaching experience and as an entrepreneur.

Life, Career Coaches Provide Valuable Service

May 8, 2014 Leave a comment

by Danielle Braff, Chicago Tribune

Life and career coaching is a $1 billion-a-year industry, according to the Harvard Business Review.

Here’s what you should know about the business of helping people make the most of their careers and their lives.


While the International Coach Federation offers an independent coaching certificate, and there are various schools that offer credentials, anyone can call him — or herself — a coach.


A 2009 study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development found that 90 percent of organizations use coaching in some form.

That’s because it could be a good financial investment, said Kathy Hankard, a Wisconsin-based certified financial planner.


The cost of a life coach varies greatly by location and by the coaching structure, said Julie Melillo, a life coach in New York. She said that most coaches offer sessions that range in price from $100 to $300 per hour, but new coaches who are trying to build their portfolio or gain experience may charge less. Some coaches have packages for which you pay one price for a number of sessions, with specific activities per session, or there are others who have you pay per hour and individualize everything, she said.


“A good coach is always worth the investment, because they can help you move past roadblocks to faster success, which will pay off,” Melillo said. “Otherwise it’s easy to let months and years pass by idling away and lacking clarity on what you should do next.”

Gerry Fisher, a Baltimore-based life and career coach, agreed. He said that those looking for career counseling need to find a life coach who specializes in that field.


Some people, however, may have deeper issues, “Coaching does not address profound grief from the loss of a loved one, nor overindulgence in any form, nor does it pretend to meet the needs of trauma brought on by a critical life changing event.  I regularly counsel clients facing these and other significant challenges to seek appropriate professional help”, said Robert Miller, a life coach from Alpharetta, Georgia.