
Archive for December, 2015

6 Steps to Accelerated Learning

December 3, 2015 Leave a comment

THE SECRET: When you “learn” something, what you are really doing is remembering something you already know.

Whatever you believe about learning, the following concepts are worth knowing. . .

Accelerated learning concept #1: There are three levels of existence, physical, quantum, spiritual.

Accelerated learning concept #2: Everything in the physical is a manifestation of energy and information from the quantum. Energy vibrates at different frequencies and we perceive these frequencies as our physical world.

Accelerated learning concept #3: All of us are exchanging energy on a continual basis.

Accelerated learning concept #4: Deepak Chopra states this next concept well. . .
“There is really no boundary between ourselves and everything else in the world. The continuity of the physical world exists only in the imagination. If we could fine tune our senses, we could actually see the gaps in our existence. We are here and then not here, and then here again. The sense of continuity is only held together by our memories.”

Accelerated learning concept #5: The spiritual level of existence is what holds everything together. It is pure potential.

Accelerated learning concept #6: And here is the biggy for our purposes: Again quoting from Deepak. . .
 “Our thoughts are recycled information. Every thought we have is actually part of a collective database. All but the most original thoughts are recycled information, and even the most original thoughts are actually quantum leaps of creativity that occur from the same recycled bed of information. Intention, imagination, insight, inspiration, meaning, purpose, creativity, and understanding have nothing to do with the brain. They orchestrate their activity through the brain, but they are qualities of the non-local domain, which is beyond space and time.”

These concepts are the foundation for a way of learning (remembering). They allow you to acquire any skill you want and learn it faster than you ever thought possible.

You discover your mind. You learn how your mind operates and how to access and control it. Accelerated learning is fun and informative. You find out things about yourself and your mind that you never knew before.
You can radically change your life in less time than you ever imagined.

(Thank you Paradigm Shift)


The Stars for December

December 1, 2015 1 comment

Happy December (2015)!

You love a good secret on the 3rd and 4th, and for some reason you’re a magnet for people who want to unburden their minds with sordid tales of depravity and debauchery. They don’t have to worry, though, because their secrets truly are safe with you.

So what are these runs about your lack of confidence about? The truth is on the 8th and 9th you’re the very best you that you can be, and the world should be knocking down your door just to get a glimpse of your fine self.

Stumbling upon new ways to organize your stuff or to clean your place is the highlight of your day on the 15th and 16th, and while it might not be exciting to anyone else, hey, it works for you.

It’s important to do your best work when a boss or teacher is watching on the 24th and 25th, especially if you’ve been looking for an advantage in getting ahead.

The 28th and 29th bring challenges that you couldn’t possibly be prepared for, but your ability to persevere no matter what keeps you in the game.

Your competitors have absolutely nothing on you.